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Bach flowers
One of the advantages of this type of therapy is that Bach flowers, for being
completely natural remedies, they have no side effects.
No contraindications. Consequently they are suitable for people of
any age, from newborns to the elderly, and also for pregnant women
These substances contain certain qualitiesenergetic of certain
flower that help to balance.
The patient's body.
They are not addictive substances because of their natural origin, their effects.
They disappear when the patient has overcome the problem.
By producing a positive mood in the individual, it can leadcarry out any daily activity of your life without any inconvenience.
They are one of the best supports that all those who suffer, whether a physical, physiological, emotional, mental or behavioral disease have.
The floral essences elevate our vibration, help us to get closer to our own inner essence, to become aware of who we are and to develop our most positive aspects for it, they can also be used in personal development, since they help us deepen our interior and balance ourselves
Bach Flowers can be used simultaneously with other medical treatments, without contraindicating with any medication.
They have no side effects or toxicity.

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