Tibetan Usui Reiki
Reiki is useful as a shield to find inner balance and help overcome
The obstacles of negative energy.
For example when we perceive that other people hurt us or create states
of negative energy in front of them, or in certain places,
Tibetan Reiki energy acts by clearing all the negativity.
Even our energy is impregnated with that negativity since allthe energies
around us influence us.
Many conditions such as stomach aches, dizziness, feeling sick
or exhaustion, headaches, are all indications of negativity that don't
overwhelms and energy poisoning we suffer. This Tibetan practice
It acts on people recovering the inner balance and energy health.
Tibetan Reiki provides for a better state of health and energy:
It triggers the immune system (balances it) and detoxifies.
It helps healing, regeneration of organs, tissues. (Recovery after surgery, chronic and acute illness
Cures acute and chronic inflammations
Relieves physical pain
It helps heal emotional pain
Relieves mental, emotional and spiritual stress. Help against depression, insecurity, panic attacks
Help against fears, anger, despair and antisocial behavior
Contributes to the improvement of the cardiovascular system
It reduces the side effects of chemotherapy during and after treatment.
It contributes to the disappearance of cysts, to the treatment of kidneys and gallstones
It helps regenerate muscle fibers, joints and bones
It contributes to the cure of addictions such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

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